Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Running for charity

I didn't think very much when I signed up to do the British 10k race - but I do remember looking at the submit button before committing to run for OCD-UK.

It's a charity I found whilst doing some research, and it's been quite an eye opener... So with emotions running high I've decided to do something for them whilst doing something for myself, too.

I'm just not quite sure what Mr Stoner is going to say when I tell him what charity I'll run for - maybe I just don't tell him at all.

Anyway, with the IKEA mattress delivered just half an hour ago I can now spend the rest of the afternoon at the gym. Or maybe having a coffee first? Coffee!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


So there I was browsing old posts when I came across a real beauty - I got words mixed up. Instead of calling someone a whinge, I said something else. With a lovely smile.


Yeah that would help then if I wanted to get rid of someone trying to chat me up. Sorry, I'm still laughing, and I apologise to the whole of the English population out there, seriously.

99ers and losing weight, strangely unrelated

Gotta love those cute ice cream vans - we got two of those in Romford, well at least that's the ones I see. One's always outside TK Maxx, the other on South Street (which, technically, is the High Street so someone rename them, please).

Since they're always in the same place, surely the council could help them out with a bit of jizz? Because so far, I've only ever seen them with the engines running. And that, quite frankly, ain't on.

On a lighter note, Mr Stoner seems to be terribly loved up again which is cute and I'm loving every moment. Back on the meds and with big plans for the future, I like to think it's got something to do with me - but that's another story. So we're back browsing flats in Bromley and discussing if a 150 quid wardrobe from Argos is a goer (of course, it isn't - over my dead body).

I'm still waiting for my Thinz to arrive - when in South Africa a few years ago (The post is still here) we bought a couple of those pills purely as a drug replacement. Apparently there were like Speed. Great, we thought! Didn't do much though.

A few years on I'm hoping to cheat my body into eating less - because God knows I've fucking tried but my flesh is very weak, as weak as my mind really.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Ok, I love IKEA. The whole concept is brilliant. Flatpack, go get it yourself from the warehouse, buy an electric screwdriver... I mean, it's genius!

Moving on to generation online shopping, they seem to have followed through their 'cheap is good' motto and have appointed not only a crap delivery company, but also hired brainless knobends for the customer service.

Granted, the bed was cheap, including two memory foam mattresses and delivery I've spent just over 300 quid. But delivering a double bed with a single mattress, at what point did anyone think that order is complete?

So one week later, they have finished their warehouse search and since nothing has been found, a new mattress was ordered for me. Which means another week's wait and another day off work.

Which is fine by me, it's not busy and I love a day off, and I'm just using the old mattress in the new bed. Not fussed, really. But it's not exactly great service, is it. So I'll have to wait until I get it delivered before I can ask for compenstation - and I'll make sure I'll spend the vouchers in the shop and not online!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Lights on, nobody in

Ok then, I'm a shit girlfriend.

I can't name his second football team. I don't remember the rugby team he supports. I just about remember his birthday but recall a wrong position he plays in.

I'm shit, really.