Monday, November 14, 2005

Trying not to be...

... clingy, insecure, control-freak, end-of-world-mood, anxious... you name it!

So, I went off home for the weekend and managed to get half way through Monday until I finally couldn't hold myself back anymore and sent an email to K - bloody game playing you say? It is indeed, but I just don't want to fuck it up, that's why.

I don't think it's ideal, this holding back, playing hard to get, not being available - but it's the name of the game and I better play it. It's bizarre! Can't eat, can't stop thinking of him, classic - I'm smitten.

'part from that, shedloads of work and lots going on at the office - I'm well grateful for that, otherwise I couldn't get that silly grin out of my face ever! And... still off Charlie... Yes!


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