Working with clever people
Well, bit more clevvaah then I is. By the looks of it, had someone strolling in and have a peek. Anyway. Sorry for letting everyone down the last few days, err, weeks. Been a busy bugger by all means.
Back from Chrispo hols with folks (so good to be back again), I'm over that flying thing. After 3 continents this year I've had enough, really - last night's 3hrs-delay because of heavy snowfall (both in CH and UK) was just the icing.
Not much work to do here, so I might as well take the next two days off and get royally drunk (bought myself some booze at the duty free shop, good girl).
I'm still about 3 grand away from moving back to South London. God, give me the strength to survive a 15C flat with no kitchen and fucked bathroom for another 3 months (Minkey darling, I know you're reading this! Sort it out! :-)).
End of. Have a grand NYE everyone!